Thank You! November 2012 Edition

by Hanover Safe Place

We are always thankful when someone helps us, but we are especially grateful during the holidays.  Below are the folks who helped out in November!  THANK YOU!

Leigh Snipes donated food, toiletries and coupons.

Cassandra Demouchet donated food, clothing, laundry detergent and toiletries.

Stephanie Jackson donated baby items and food.

Judicial Affairs at Randolph-Macon College held a food drive for us.

The Ashcake Women’s club put together wonderful goody bags to give to mother’s for Christmas.

Margaret Shealy donated a beautiful quilt.

Lebanon United Methodist Church’s Fall Bible Study donated housewares (such as crockpots, toaster ovens and a microwave).

Wanda Nichols donated clothes.

Melissa Preble donated children’s items and laundry detergent.

Rothstein Campbell donated over 20 Scentsy stuffed animals!

Barbara Land donated toiletries.

First Baptist Church of Ashland donated welcome baskets.


The Porterfield Family held a food drive during a holiday shopping event.



Thank you to EVERYONE!!